The Initial Certificate is the entry level certificate in New York State.  This certificate is valid for five years and is the first step toward a Professional Certificate.

The requirements for Initial Certification are as follows:

Download the general "Initial Certification Checklist"* to track your progress toward the completion of certification requirements.

After your academic program has been officially listed as Awarded or Complete in BANNER and you have submitted your Release Authorization Form, your college recommendation will be posted onto your TEACH account.  Our Teacher Certification Officer will access and review your account to ensure you meet the qualifications.  If you have completed all other requirements (NYS Teacher Certification Exams, fingerprinting, etc.) your certificate will typically issue overnight.

New York State no longer prints paper certificates for Initial Certification.  Your certification status may be verified on TEACH.  Once your certificate is listed on your TEACH account as "issued" it is considered a valid NYS teaching certificate.