Certification Officer: Patricia A. Recchio Administrative Assistant I: Mary E. Codick
CHASE Hall 222 - 716-878-6121 - teachercertification@buffalostate.edu
New Child Abuse Workshop Requirement
Amendments have been signed into NYS Social Services Law requiring additional content within the NYS mandated Identification and Reporting of Child Abuse and Maltreatment/Neglect coursework. The law requires every person who has previously undergone this training to undergo the new updated training by April 1, 2025.
NYSTCE Exam Fee Assistance
If you have a demonstrated financial need and require a voucher to cover the cost of an exam, please complete the NYSTCE Voucher Questionnaire on NYSED's Office of Teacher and Leader Development's homepage:
Teacher and Leader Development | New York State Education Department
Time Extension Changed to Initial Reissuance
NYSED has made changes to the requirements for the Initial Reissuance: Initial Reissuance
Emergency COVID-19 Certificates
At its July 2024 meeting, the New York State Board of Regents voted to extend the validity period of COVID-19 certificates that expire on August 31, 2024 or January 31, 2025 by changing the expiration date of such certificates to August 31, 2025. This amendment only affects certificates with those specific expiration dates; it does not apply to previously expired COVID-19 certificates or those with expiration dates after January 31, 2025. As of today, the TEACH system has been updated to reflect the updated expiration dates for these certificates.